All photography provided by Jared Chambers
1st Quest was envisioned in 2000, with the goal of educating people on the beauty and nature of God. In our view, God is the greatest subject of study in the universe. He is worthy of our time and our attention.
Our Mission
Our mission at 1st Quest is to close the God Gap. The "God Gap" is the difference between what CAN be known about God, and what IS known about God. That differs for every person on the planet. We believe that if more people knew how great God was, if they knew how much God loved them, and if they knew how long eternity was, they would spend much more of their limited time on earth getting to know Him better.
OUR Belief
The late great Francis Schaeffer wrote a book entitled "He Is There, And He Is Not Silent". At 1st Quest, we believe that God exists and that He has spoken. He has spoken through the Word of God, He has spoken through nature and creation, and He has spoken through the life, death, and resurrection of His Son. We believe that God has a plan for every life. But, unless you seek God with all of your heart and mind, you are unlikely to discover what that plan is. That is part of the purpose of this website and this organization. What can we do to help you get to know God better?
“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”
AbouT Us
- Steve Gardner is the founder of 1st Quest, a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M.), and the founding secretary/treasurer of the International Society of Christian Apologetics.
- He is a businessman, an author, a husband, a father, and a Theophsyicist.
- The 1st Quest School of Theology was envisioned in 2000, as a result of a desire to bring harmony to the understanding of the Word of God and modern science.
- We do not believe that there is any conflict between the Bible & modern science. They are mutually compatible. The only problem is in our mind.
- For a deeper understanding of this philosophy, please check out Steve's book, 50 Shades of God, on Amazon.
- 5 Billion people will have smart phones by 2020. Eventually, every person on earth will have a phone. We seek to close the God Gap with as many as possible.